Sunday, December 28, 2008

Jaws II

By the way, did we mention that Max's two bottom teeth came in too? Looks like his top ones may be on the way as well.

First Swing

On this weirdly warm day at the end of December, we went to the playground and the guys dug the swings!

From first swing

From first swing

From first swing

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

nose-grabbing and toe-sucking

and, since we are feeling kind of guilty for the recent lag between posts (and we don't want to lose our loyal following) here is a video clip to keep you interested . . .

holiday card photo outtakes

We tried to compose a picture for a holiday card. It wasn't easy.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

boys in the bar

Max: I could use another bottle.
Morris: I think i'm going to spit up.
Max: belch.
Morris: I'm going to lie down.
Max: Someone is going to have to carry me home.

Monday, December 1, 2008

cake, too

Happy Birthday to you too Grandpa Arthur!

a cheeky one!!

Seven months!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

album cover version 1

in case the boys decide to start a boy band (they could be bigger than the jonas brothers and the olsen twins combined!), we are collecting possible cover art.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

bird day

There is a bit of great great aunt evelyn in max, don't you think? maybe some great great uncle larry in morris??? throw in a little aunt lily, grandma carol, and mom for a nice family picture.

Monday, November 24, 2008


so far, we've tried apples, pears, sweet potatoes, and peas. fruits are a huge hit. they can't get enough. sweet potatoes seemed to make max's cheeks get really red - might have been an allergic reaction, but very cute. they have been going back and forth on peas. one day one likes them and the other hates them, then the next day it reverses. on this third day of peas, morris demolished his own serving and then went on to eat max's peas because max just kept making drooly razberries every time he got a spoonful.

today we will try acorn squash.

Friday, November 21, 2008

no strings!

Sorry about the long pause. We were learning to do new things. Here, Max demonstrates sitting up.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Latest stats . . .

weight: 18 lbs, 2 oz
length: 25 3/4 inches
head circumference: 46 cm

weight: 17 lbs, 11 oz
length: 25 1/2 inches
head circumference: 42 1/2 cm

Monday, November 10, 2008

Haute Barnyard

We visited a farm near Princeton, NJ yesterday called terhune orchards. It was awesome. Boys are going to have some yummy homemade applesauce, mushed green beans, and pureed sweet potatoes to feast on (we have to make it first . . . ). Great produce and amazing baked goods (mom & dad had beef pie for dinner AND THEN apple pie for dessert). They also had a small petting zoo. Here is Morris encountering a horse for the first time:
They also had an odd Johnny Appleseed exhibit. That fox is not alive - the chicken wire is purely decorative. Dad and Max were, obviously, the photographers.

Art Lover

Here is Max visiting the an art gallery to check out the opening of a show of work by the artist, Charles Gute. We also hit a few Chelsea galleries where Max offered his critique with very loud drooly rasberries.


You know, if you click on any of these pictures, you will see it nice and big - and get a better view of those cute little teeth.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Anything is possible! They will have dual citizenship so, as their Grandpa Steven has pointed out, Max can be Prime Minister of England - or visa versa. Oh, and by the way, MORRIS HAS TWO TEETH!!! They poked through on the bottom yesterday. Two days of the poor thing screaming all night - and all for a couple of teeth!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sunday, November 2, 2008

belated birthday

Yes, yesterday, was another one. The boys' combined age is ONE YEAR OLD!! So amazing! Its been a great six months and today we will start solid (well, mushy) food. Would have started yesterday, but parents forgot to buy spoons. Will let you know how the eating thing goes.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Parade

Here we are with Noah at the Halloween Parade on Albermarle Rd. Max is a Luchador (Mexican wrestler) and Morris is sushi (the sleeping kind).

Getting ready for the festivities. Shout out to Aunt Lily for hooking the boys up!:


This is not Max's "official" Halloween getup. Its just his spooky morning look. stay tuned for more costume fun.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

serious about hats

Boys out for their stroll kept their noggins warm with these gorgeous hats hand knit by their friend Elaine. They were the toast of the neighborhood!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Friends make morris happy

Morris has that contented look on his face because he's been hanging out with some very cool older kids. He loves all his friends . . .

His buddy, Theo, just chilling together . . .

. . . and his neighbor Ella (in the tutu) stopped by to give him a kiss goodnight.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Putting Max to Work!

No, Max hasn't been selling encyclopedias door-to-door (although, if he wanted to, we wouldn't stop him) or teaching high school physics. But he is insisting on dressing a lot like his dad. Jackets and pocket squares coming soon!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Global Financial Crisis!

Its all bad news. The boys are trying to keep their chins up (literally) in this wintry economic climate.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008


Just having some fun . . .

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Surprise! Another Month . . .

5 months today!! This one snuck up on us! The fastest month yet!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Interior Decorating

Been working on getting the boys' new room to look more like a place where two really cool babies would hang out. Its getting there!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Max Mouse

EEK!! Look what Michael caught this morning.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Vital Stats . . .

Last week we went to the pediatrician and got the latest stats on Max and Morris. Here they are at last weigh-in (although, things change A LOT in a week).

head circumference: 44 cm
length: 24 3/4 inches
weight: 15 pounds, 10 oz

head circumference: 41 cm
length: 24 1/4 inches
weight: 15 pounds, 6 oz

Monday, September 22, 2008

First Day of Fall

Starting to get a bit of a chill in the air. The guys are ready for it!

Sunday, September 14, 2008


We finally got our s&%t together and built a room of the boys own. It was a week of chaos, but it was worth it. Still putting everything in place and much decorating to do yet, but this is where we are before and after.

Here is the corner of the living room - emptied of stuff BEFORE the new walls . . .

And here is the same corner, AFTER (that's Morris admiring himself in the Jumperoo. We are planning to put up some funky wallpaper on that wall behind the red couch):

And here's a peek inside (still lots of gussying up to do .. . .):

Friday, September 12, 2008

Fashion Week!

Forget the tents in Bryant Park. The boys are wearing jeans for the very first time! The pose is Zoolander meets Blowup! Blue Steel!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Finally! Max and Morris' neighbors, Noah and Ella, are back from vacation. Noah knocked on the door again this morning for his regular visit - Ella toddling right behind him. The boys were so happy to see them (this awesome picture is a little old already)!

And last week, Max and Morris made a new friend. We met up with Alex's parents and grandma at Whole Foods. They look like they'll all get along just great (the all-you-can-eat rotating sushi bar was making all the boys drooly)!